Wednesday, January 12, 2011

Who has spirit... . .. um West Hills?

Who’s Got spirit …… Um West Hills
High school is supposed to be fun, cheerful, alive and vibrant; were supposed to be proud of our school and want to show our school spirit. Lately that has not been the case West Hills is not that crazy spirited school who gets the people standing on their feet all rawled up and jumping in their seats with excitement to support our teams, or going to dances, even just dressing up to on given opportunities to just be silly and stand out from everyone else. Not everyone likes to get all dressed up for a school that won’t get spirited together, as if they are to good or better than just trying to get associated with school activities. We are blown out of the water in comparison to other schools such as Grossmont, Helix or even Steele. They get really pumped up when it comes to football games(rival games), doing rallies, dressing up for holidays, or even just to make up random spirit weeks. For example Grossmont does a week long huge dress up week and the theme is battle of the sexes and EVERYONE dresses up probably a good 97% dresses up and they have games and people pumped up even if it is a little out of the ordinary the students are still willing to get jazzed up and participate in the games. West hills is more known for our outstanding academics which will make parents want to sent their kids to our school, but that’s not going to  make it enjoyable for the students who come to West hills. We need to band together get all the cliques and groups into the spirited way and help the our ASB by giving them ideas to go off of and they can make it happen. Being goofy isn’t fun when done by yourself, when we all get in to the vibe we can enjoy school and have a good time high school goes by to fast not to have fun while you’re here.
Side Bar
Schools who get in the spirit are usually schools who have rivals and where everyone agrees on the spirit days that probably everyone could do no problem. Maybe if everyone decided on the spirit days some how or we got the school someway to help us choose better ideas we could probably get the whole school to participate in something that the majority of the student body wants to do. Maybe we could have a bucket and people can write down different themes and  ASB could  go over the themes and see which are the most popular to students. Perhaps the school could have a meeting and we could collaborate there about different themes for dressing up. The point is if everyone likes the theme more people are going to dress up so we need to find a way to do that for our school.

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